

Find out where our meetings happen:

Babies e Kids

We believe that it’s very important for children to grow up aware of God’s love for them. It improves their identities and the quality of a child’s life. For this reason, in the groups of Kids and Babies, we tell Bible Stories, talk about who Jesus is, and strive for children to become aware of God’s love, to learn to talk to him, and to adopt Christian values for their lives. Babies, is a space for children, up to 3 years old and Kids, is a group for children from 4 to 10 years old. We provide a warm, colorful, safe and interactive environment. We share Christian principles in a playful and creative way.

A group of well-prepared and committed volunteers who plan teaching and content preparation, accompanied by an equally dedicated group of people who assist in caring for children.

The involvement and committed dedication of God-loving volunteers who also love children, makes all the difference. You do not have to work every weekend. Volunteers get a schedule that takes into consideration their availability so that we can assure the excellence of the work. If you would like to get involved as a volunteer, please contact:

  • Kennedy – Kids
    Pâmela Cavalheiro (48) 98483 7992
  • Kennedy – Babies
    Priscila Thiem (48) 98494 6061
  • Mercure – Kids e Babies
    Mariane Cardoso (48) 99113 3362

Babies and Kids are completely free for the parents and children. The Community, however, invests on average $425.00 USD per month in materials, toys and equipment, so that the work gets done with excellence. Your contribution, always voluntary, will certainly be of great help to this work.

If you need, you can get information about our accounts below:

Bank of Brazil, Branch 5255-8, Account 14,200-X
Bradesco Bank, Branch 2186-5, Account 042.519-2
CNPJ 29.457.528/0001-76

If you are a parent and want to know more about this work with Kids and Babies, feel free to check out what we do by simply participating in any session. Come talk to us!

Sub-15 and Youth Group

The Community Encontro provides groups that specifically address the early stages of life. We know that it is essential to lay a solid foundation for a promising story. These bases involve faith, friendship, a good world view and a lot of reflection. That’s why we dedicate a special space for pre-teens, teens and young people who are undergoing critical age changes, discovering more about their personality, society and their future.

U15 is a one-hour meeting that runs parallel to Sunday services, as are the Babies and Kids. During time together, teens develop thier relationship while engaging in fun activities that always relate to teaching content. Amid the jokes and songs, there are conversations about fundamental aspects of life, always from the perspective of Christian spirituality. Bimonthly the “Under 15 Social” happen: Saturday walks and activities, always somewhere different.

Sub-15 is a one-hour meeting that runs parallel to Sunday services, as are the Babies and Kids. During their time together, teens develop their relationship while engaging in fun activities that always relate to teaching content. Amid the jokes and songs, there are conversations about fundamental aspects of life, always from the perspective of Christian spirituality. Bi-monthly, the “Under 15 Social” happens. This includes Saturday walks and activities, and is always somewhere different.

Indicate and invite: Do you know people who can benefit from these activities? You can be the bridge between them and the Community Encontro.

Be a volunteer: The involvement and dedication of God-loving volunteers that also love teens and young people makes all the difference. Contact us to learn more.


Yes. You are invited to talk to God daily. We are given the privilege of talking to him as we talk to a friend, opening our hearts in complete trust. We can do it personally, without intermediaries, using our own words, in complete freedom and spontaneity. Formalities are not required. Jesus, Himself, taught that in praying it would not be necessary to use empty repetitions and endless prayers, God already knows what we need, before we ask.

Since God is everywhere, I can talk to him wherever I am. Of course, quiet places offer a more favorable environment for talking to the Creator of the universe. Jesus, Himself, said, “When you pray come into your room and pray to your Father, who cannot be seen. And your Father, who sees what you do in secret, will give you the reward “(Matthew 6: 6). Therefore, whatever the place, the important thing is to talk to him.

Because he is God who loves and cares about you, any subject can be discussed with him. We can thank, complain, seek forgiveness, ask for ourselves and others, for the reality that surrounds us, finally, all things can be brought before him. As we pray, we recognize our dependence on God and align our lives with His purposes. In God’s presence, you can be yourself. So speak freely.

No. In a Christian community there will always be people who pray with you and for you. Followers of Jesus should care about people. In fact, one of the most beautiful words we find in the Bible talks about this: “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6.2). In the Community Encontro, there is a group to pray especially for people who ask for it and who trust us to pray for their needs. You can be part of this group yourself.

In each meeting there are people available to pray with you, in person.
You can fill in a prayer form you find at the reception desk, in the Coffee Break area. We commit to pray for you for 30 days.
You can also submit your subject of prayer through WhatsApp: (48) 99854-5630

Small Groups

We understand that Encontro is not supposed to be just a talk time or a coffee break, so we encourage visitor to small groups for Bible study. This is where the relationship with God and with others can deepen. In these groups people talk about common and relevant issues. We seek answers to our existential questions and doubts in Christian spirituality, which is built from the Bible.

Yes! It’s amazing to realize that a book written so long ago still has relevant answers for our modern life. The Bible not only speaks of God, but through His words, God makes Himself known to us. That is why we say the Bible is the Word of God.

Encontro’s Sunday Services can be short, don’t you think? Sometimes we get the feeling of wanting to know more, asking questions, discussing points of view, and getting deeper. Our Small Groups are a great opportunity for that.

These are people who periodically meet in their homes to study and talk more about the Bible and the Christian life, sharing doubts, challenges and joys. We have several groups spread throughout Greater Florianópolis.

  • Some meet weekly, others meet every 2 or 3 weeks; and some even meet monthly. We strongly believe there is a small group near your residence that will fit you.

You will soon realize that these SGs have a very good, cheerful and welcoming atmosphere – and most of the time, a delicious snack. You will surely feel very comfortable. SGs are an excellent opportunity to know God, study His Word, and build meaningful friendships – the latter, by the way, is one of the hallmarks of our SGs.

Art and Music

God’s message is plural. Music, and its beauty, is part of it. Even though we have individual preferences, it is impossible not to be overwhelmed by some musical style that touches our hearts. That’s why our meetings always include songs that make us reflect on the world outside and God’s will for our lives. By doing that we help people connect to Him through different windows of the soul.

In addition to well-known hymns and “typical church songs”, we introduce popular songs from our culture. We pick those that point to the topic addressed in the service message. It’s amazing how some songs seem to have been written especially for situations we discuss at Encontro. But we try not to overlook many Christian compositions, which also exhibit incredible beauty and allow us an even more intimate connection with God.

n the music, as in the whole of Encontro, we value excellence.Our team of musicians takes turns to always present new interpretations and versions of the songs. We innovate, create and sometimes even challenge, always in order to touch people’s heart, so that they rediscover the beauty that is in God.
Our music is always thoroughly thought out and prepared with care and hard work. Sing with us!

Media e Communication

Encontro has, in its essence, creativity and excellence. We know that everything we want to deliver in our messages cannot simply be heard but needs to be viewed in a didactic manner. In addition, it needs to be widespread through social networks and virtual spaces, where people are. Our media and communications department address these needs and seek to create experiences that are pleasing to those who receive our information and content.

They are responsible for the audiovisual elements during Sundays and after it. Everything that appears on the big screen and on social networks is made specifically for Encontro or adapted to it. The team produces art and publicity videos for each series. They also manage social networks, record and edit lecture audios to be available on the Internet.

The involvement and committed dedication of creative volunteers makes all the difference. There are volunteers in the area of ​​design, social media management, video and audio recording and editing. If you would like to get involved as a volunteer, please contact Fabiano Damasio +55 47 98823-9033.

We invest in media productions, promotional material, banners and online platforms to promote Encontro and to distribute our content. We spend around $625.00 USD per month for everything to be done with excellence. Your contribution, always voluntary, will be a great help to this work.

Bank of Brazil, Branch 5255-8, Account 14,200-X
Bradesco Bank, Branch 2186-5, Account 042.519-2
CNPJ 29.457.528/0001-76

Comunidade Encontro – Rua Maria Bernardina Vaz Borges – Campinas – São José SC – CEP 88102-400 – Tel.: +55 (48) 99854-5630